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Sunday 9 August 2015


Horny Hormones: How Hot Are YOU?
Hormones. The very word can make us cringe.
We associate the word with bad moods that become worse when our partners accuse us of having PMS...
We think of the hot flashes and withered fertility of menopause. We think of the crazy emotions and tearful roller coaster of pregnancy, and the post-partum hormonal hell.
But for all the negative connotations the word "hormones" may elicit for us (and our partners), the truth is that hormones can be very good to us, too.
Our hormones affect not only our moods and our reproductive systems and cycles; they also govern our sexuality – and sexual function
Your Dysfunctional Hormones
It's a little-known fact that women experience more sexual dysfunction than men. Lack of desire, vaginal dryness, pain during sex, difficulty reaching orgasm... these are just a few of the very common symptoms experienced by almost half of all women.
And it's caused by many things: our health, our fitness, our hydration levels, and most importantly, our hormones.
A woman's hormones fluctuate drastically each month with her menstrual cycle. It's no surprise that you feel more energetic at certain times of the month. You feel happier and more positive at these times, too. And you feel sexier.
Yet if your hormones are out of whack for any reason, you may be missing out on these happy, sexy components of your hormonal cycle.
A disruption to your hormone levels can be caused by many things, some of which we've already touched on like pregnancy or menopause. Other causes can include poor thyroid function, stress, exposure to synthetic hormones through the use of birth control pills, and poor health.
Making Room for Happy Hormones
It's not always an easy problem to solve. And after a time, after you've become used to an absent sex life and allowed the stress of work, home, family, marriage, and other responsibilities to crowd your brain, you may have forgotten that you ever even wanted to have sex.
But don't forget what it means to have a sex life! Desiring sex and being in touch with your own sexuality allows you to feel more fulfilled as a woman. It allows you to be more intimate in your relationships. It's a stress release, a mood enhancer, and it's even good for your skin, heart, and immune system!
Everyone deserves to have a fulfilling, sensual sex life. If you've stopped enjoying or even desiring sex, take heart: you don't have to live that way.
You've Got That Lovin' Hormone
Going for a walk, having some alone time, and taking the odd bubble bath will help you relax and get more in touch with yourself. However, many women need a little more...
Sexual health scientists have created solutions for women who are suffering from lack of desire with products like HerSolution– a blend of herbals, nutrients, and aphrodisiacs that work to restore the hormonal, nutritional, and stress-induced imbalances that could be shutting down your body's ability to desire and enjoy sex.
Don't rob yourself of an active, fulfilling intimate life. Bring the joy back into your sex life and your relationship with a product like HerSolution today.

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